Pro Membership Plus Standard Wheel

$350.00 on the 1st of each month

Studio Pro Membership plus Standard Wheel for one year with payments on a monthly basis.

First payment: March 1, 2025

SKU: membership-pro-standard-wheel Category:

Studio Membership is a one year commitment on a monthly basis to rent your own studio space. It comes with agreed privileges and responsibilities. Welcome to a wonderful studio and community that will support your efforts in pottery.

The Pro Membership plus Standard Wheel is a good choice if you have a new wheel on order, or you are looking for a wheel and need to rent one from us for now. It will give you a chance to enjoy the Shimpo VL and get back into your work right away. This includes the larger space and shelving unit. All spaces are within easy access to wedging table, canvas covered large table, kilns, sink and glazing station.